There are only two lasting gift we should give our children, One is roots and second is wings.
Happy Children's Day

Childhood means
Fun unlimited...
Bounteous shower...
Of love and care...
Realm of imagination...
Joy of growing up...
Happy Children's Day!

Childhood is
An enchanting vista
An endless fun
A joyful classroom
An experience
An era of imagination
An artistic journey
An ode to love
A happy moment
Happy Children's Day

All those moments of innocent wonders
of enjoying as if there is no tomorrow
of sharing whatever little we possessed
it seems it was only yesterday
on Children's Day I wish...
all your memories...
...put a smile on your face
Happy Children's Day!

If you plant honesty, you will reap trust. If you plant goodness, you will reap friends. If you plant humility, you will reap greatness.
Happy Children's Day

Desh ke Pragati ke hum hai Aadar
Hum karenge Cha Cha Nehru ke Sapne Sahakar
Happy Children's Day


We are the future... The hope for a brighter tomorrow... We, the children of the world... Are symbols of promise... and potential Happy Children's Day.

Children's Day wishes Have a blast... Enjoy super cool joyrides... Relish on yummy treats... Coz, its fun-filled Children's Day Here's wishing you magical time ahead

Some Important Facts about Childrens…………!! Children make you want to start life over. Children are the keys of paradise. The best thing to spend on your children is your time. Give a little love to a child and you will get a great deal back. Children have more need of models, than of critics. A child mis-educated is a child ...

  We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, Yet we forget that he is someone today. Happy Children Day…..  

Time for some splashing fun Cheers ‘n’ jolly time for everyone coz it’s Children’s Day May the love n laughter always stay on every child’s face. Happy Children’s Day..!!
Time for some splashing fun Cheers ‘n’ jolly time for everyone coz it’s Children’s Day May the love n laughter always stay on every child’s face. Happy Children’s Day..!! 

There r some things, many cnt buy, 1 of such thing is our childhood, enjoy d spirit of childrns day… Happy Children’s Day!

Chacha ka hai janamdivas Sabhi bacche aayenge Chacha ji ke phool gulab se.. Hum bache sama sab mehkayenge! Happy Children’s Day  

Childhood is about innocence and playfulness. It is about joy and freedom. Happy Children’s Day..!!

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